Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Do the Democrats Need Their Own Donald Trump to Succeed?

Liz Peek, an Opinion writer for Fox News, has the article, Liz Peek: Struggling Dems need their own Donald TrumpPeek's intended audience for this article would be those who identify their political ideology as Democrat. She is speaking to the Democrats insisting on what she believes the type of candidate that they need. Those who are reading Peek's article can trust her credibility due to her being a published Opinion Columnist for Fox News. However, those who do not trust Fox News or are leaning more towards the Left usually will not be reading Fox News and most likely will not believe or agree with articles and or opinions that are stated from Fox.

In Peek's article, she explains how the Democratic party needs a candidate who "can weave progressive threads together with mainstream American values to create a new tapestry, winning over disaffected voters on the left and the right". This candidate that she is implying should be similar to Donald Trump, who succeeded against all odds because he was offering the country a new story. Peek does show the evidence that President Trump came out of nowhere. She even agrees that those who say he is not a Republican. He succeeded despite the very slim odds that the polls had predicted. He energized the country promising us a new and fresh start for the country. Many were fearing that our country was slipping in the wrong direction and a drastic change was needed and he was promising us just that. As Peek shows, as a candidate, President Trump was not afraid to tell us how it is.

Throughout the whole article, Peek effectively uses the examples of President Trump as to why the Democrats need a candidate similar to him to help boost their party. I do agree to an extent with Peek. I agree with Peek that, "the Democrats need a candidate that is willing to challenge the liberal orthodoxy". If they can get a candidate who is willing to do so, it will help them possibly gain more control and become stronger as one.

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