Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Are businesses cutting ties with the NRA for their own advantage?

In the recent months, specifically following the Parkland, Florida shooting, many major corporations and businesses have been cutting ties with the National Rifle Association. The National Rifle Association, NRA for short, is one of the largest interest groups in the United States with tens and thousands of members who most all believe strongly in the second amendment. Members range from those who believe in the second amendment with multiple guns, hunters and outdoorsmen, and even some who do not own any guns but still believe in our right. The NRA is classified as a business interest group. To become a member you must pay dues for one, two, three, and or even five years.

Given the large amount of members and it being one of the largest interest groups, the NRA does hold a large amount of power in our government today. They can be seen as an evil group who may have too much power over our elected officials. After each mass shooting, especially and sadly school shootings, the NRA is always under fire as a group that "enables murderers" and one that "doesn't focus on our children." The way that our society has now chosen to show and make a stand that this group may have too much power is by cutting ties with the NRA. Over 22 companies have now cut ties with the NRA. Some of these companies include: Walmart, L.L. Bean, REI, Avis Rental Cars, Hertz, and many more. One of the most recent company that has allegedly cut ties with the NRA is an Austin local company, YETI Coolers. Yeti has responded to the news of cutting ties as "inaccurate." However, the huge backlash from Yeti enthusiasts can be one of the reasons for their response. Many have created hashtags such as #Boycottyeti and have stated their new support for similar companies such as Rtic Coolers and Orca Coolers. Both Rtic and Orca released statements to their markets that they both support the second amendment and will stand with the NRA. As well as not conforming to public pressure to do what the public wants them to do as a company.

Ultimately, the companies are making a stand in what their corporate believes in. But mostly taking advantage of the awful attacks in our country as a way of gaining a possible larger target market and a different market then they had before cutting ties. The businesses should stay to how they were before and keeping their ties with others. They should not make irrational decisions just because of the public pushing their views on big corporations. Many companies want to see themselves as trying to make a difference but in reality they are just trying to gain their business in times of a tragedy.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


I could not agree with you more on your reasoning behind being grateful for President Trump. In your article, A Liberals Gratitude For Trump, you stated that you were grateful for the tenacity and vigor that the American people have shown since President Trump has been in office. I am conservative but that does not mean that I condone the numerous horrifying statements and actions of our President and completely see how you are grateful for him. I too, applaud those who are standing up for what they believe in and trying to make our society ethically right.

With the #MeToo movement, women are now being able to have a voice in sexual misconduct in and out of the workplace. This movement is a huge milestone for all women and our place in society. Those who were once afraid to say something due to retaliation and loss of a job are now able to stand up for themselves and fight for what is right. For this, I too, am grateful for President Trump.

With primaries being over in Texas, we saw literal record breaking numbers in the number of Democrats who voted. Those who believe that we need change in our city, state, and country are coming out in ginormous waves of support. You also mentioned that now we are seeing shifts in the political power balance. We did see huge amounts of first-time female candidates and I cannot express how great that makes me feel. I agree with you in being grateful for President Trump.

Overall, you and I may not see eye-to-eye on policies and that's okay. But I can honestly say that I agree with you. I agree with you that with President Trump being in office, he has affected millions in our country of all ages to stand up for what they believe in.